Produced by the Epoch Creative Team: Brian Hochman, Carrie Moeger, Will Drusch - Epoch Lacrosse LLC
Inspiration for product shots were drawn from various sporting good brands such as Nike, Champion, Vans and more.
We wanted to provide a more intimate and professional look with Z-One photography by getting overhead shots of our Industrial Designer, Evan McDonell, crafting the head and showcasing his overall design process.This would give our audience a unique "in the mind of a designer" look at the Z-One
In order to bring a creative lighting element into the overall look and feel of the Z-One, we wanted to utilize a projector screen on a blank wall to display various sketches and words pertaining to the design of the Z-One. This conveys both brainstorming and the thought process working through the Z-One Head Design.
We used a new and exciting space to showcase the Z-One head. A space that not only evoked the industrial aspect of McDonell's design, but was minimalistic enough to focus on the design of the head itself.
We jumped right into the initial launch of the Z-One Head, highlighting our work with Epoch Athletes, designers, engineers and more. Find the Z-One Pre Launch on the @epochlax instagram.